Montag, 7. Oktober 2019

WIPocalypse September

Better late than never - right? So here is my update for September, which is really tiny! September just flew by! First the wedding, then I went to a retreat from university (which was pretty boring, I read a lot, but no stitching), then I was at how for three days and then we went on our honeymoon and then October was here.
We spent a really nice time in Greece, the weather was great and both my husband and I need a break, so we spent a lot of time relaxing in our private pool:

And well, lots of food, a bit of culture and for me a lot of reading and swimming. But I am back in Germany now, being back home is a nice thing, but it is so cold here :D

Well, back to stitching! I only have a super tiny update on Kriemhild to show, but at least I managed to finish page 38. I went from here:
To here:
There is a bit more confetti by now, since I managed to finish her dress (at least for this row). Now it's only one full age and a very small partial page to finish row number 5! Kriemhild is staying on my frame for a few more days (I think), because I really want to get a bit more done. I want to finish this row this year and I currently feel like I need to speed up a bit. Sometimes I feel like I need to take a month off from working on her and I feel that coming, so after the current row I am taking a small break.
In October there is another One-per-day-challenge going on and I plan to attend. Since I am joining a bit late, I am going to continue a bit into November, so I am going to work on my project for one month and hopefully daily =) I decided to pick up QS Trapped by Melanie Delon, I have not worked on this for ages. Here is my starting point:
I am continuing on the first row, there is 5200 stitches left, which might be a bit to much to do in one month, but I definitely want to finish page 3 (29 across) and at least make a start on page 4. I again plan to stitch (at least) one square per day, so my daily goal varies from 90 to 110 stitches per day. I am going to post updates on my Instagramm (@lady_stitchalot) during the month (not daily, but once or twice a week), so feel free to visit me there =)

This months question really made me laugh (and cry a bit) - it's about finishing styles... hahaha... me and finishing things... a well, I must say that I really love to see wall hangings and I think I would like to finish a project like this one day ;-) But I must say that a lot of my projects are things that I can best imagine to be framed in the end =)

2 Kommentare:

  1. Your September sounds like a lovely month, you had great excuses for not stitching too!
    Those big HAEDS will make amazing wall hangings.

  2. Sounds like you had a great month and some well deserved time off! I'm sure there will be more stitching over the cold, wet months up to come.


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