Montag, 27. März 2017

WIPocalypse - March

After being so much in time for the GGSAL, I thought it would be good to be a day late for WIPocalypse :D If youare interested to see what everybody else did, you can take a look over here.

I find this months question very difficult - it's about the stitchy blogs, groups and flosstubes we follow. I follow quite a lot of blogs, but if I start naming them here, I guess I will miss quite a lot of them :D There are so many lovely people out there with so many lovely projects. I read blogs to gather inspiration for new projects, motivation to finish my current projects and sometimes it's nice to watch someone who has a lot of projects on the go, so I don't feel bad for my number of WIPs :D

I enjoy watching flosstube (currently not as much, I seem to be addicted to audiobooks these days...), it's nice to hear what people have to say about their projects, I usually stitch when I watch flosstube  ;-) I especially love the videos where people stitch with some music in the background, it's nice and calming =)

I joined some stitchy groups on facebook - Stitch Maynia, the official Haed stitchers group, the Joan Elliot group and I also joined the Gecko Rouge group (did I mention that I joined the Gold club recently? I did and bought another ton of stash there... I'll live on bread and water for a month or so). Since I am having computer issues I am not spending a lot of time at the computer, so I am not that active right now ;-)

Anyway, here we go with this months progress.
The beginning of the month was a bit chaotic, because I messed up my rotation. But I got back on track!
First I want to share my first finish for 2017 - Sheep in the Meadow by Country Cottage Needleworks!
Oh, they are so cute and working with the Weekse Dyewors was so much fun =)

After this, I picked up Cliffside Beacon from the Dimensions Gold petite, another project I want to finish this year. I started this last summer when I was on holiday and I am working on the sky, which is nearly finished.
Here is my Beacon as of last time:
And here is it now:
When I went to the crafts fair, they had this one finished in display and it looked awesome with all the back stitching and french knot flowers look fantastic =)

Then I got back on track and worked on Kriemhild for a week and managed to finish page 25.
I went from here:
To here and since we have a page finish, I took a full shot =)
My new start for March was "In the Moonlight" by Cindy Grundsten charted by Tolton crafts. It's also one of my GG SAL projects, but I thought you might like to take a look at it. Here is the finished design:
I only worked on it for five days because I was quite busy. But this one stitches up in like no time and therefore I am already 3 500 stitches in!
The pattern is "small" for my standards, just 25 pages (16 full, 9 partial) and 112 500 stitches. The plan for this year is to stitch a bit more than half of the first page, 160 stitches across would mean 12 800 stitches and less than 100 000 to go :D since the background stitches up so fast, this should work =)

After this one, I took out my Supersized Ride of the Yokai by Ruth Thompson. I did not get so much done, I started another page on the bottom row and added 1 280.
I went from here:
To here:
Did I mention that I love the colors on this project? So many lovely green colors! =)

The last Haed I worked on is QS Trapped. I worked on this one for the Haed challenge on Facebook and I managed to finish the challenge on Sunday. So this means another 2 900 stitches on this one.
I went from here:
To here:
Actually, I didn't realize what I was stitching until I took a photograph. She has hands, yay! I'm so happy I am done with the challenge, the last part was really confetti heavy and I was so sick of stitching on her every day... Now I will take a break. The challenge runs for a few more days and then there will (I assume) be some time before the next one starts.

I also worked a bit on the cloudsfactory SAL, but I am so much behind... But working on to many different projects on one day is not for me... But progress is progress, right?

6 Kommentare:

  1. A lot of work done on all your various projects :)

  2. WOW where to begin on this post! Okay I will start with, congratulations on a your very cute finish. Great job stunner. I agree with you my fav floss tubes are the ones where it's just watching someone stitch with music. Looking forward to seeing some of your Geckos too. I'm a fellow gold club member and it really helps. The 6 months seems to come around quite quickly.

    You have made beautiful progress on Beacon and Kriemhild. I actually laughed aloud when I read that 25 pages is small for you. We are definitely cut from the same cloth. I think of them as relatively small too. I'm glad Moonlight stitches up quick at least you will have a bit of a break from heavy confetti wips with that one. It's going to be lovely if your start is anything to go by. Love the grey sky. Onto the beautiful colours of Yokai, those blue/greens are absolutely lush. No wonder you love working on it.
    Congrats on finishing the challenge. I think I will be one of those ones that will be stitching till the last minute.
    Awesome Wipocalypse post
    xo Alicia

  3. Congratulations on the Sheepie finish, so cute!
    Great work on your giant HAEDS too. You can really see the progress on these, well worth taking regular photos.

  4. You made some great progress this month :) I love how the Beacon one plays with texture for the clouds!

  5. Your projects are so beautiful and I am always so impressed with how much you are able to get done on each one! Awesome work!

  6. Congratulations on your first finish of the year! It's adorable!


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