I am happy to announce, that I managed to finish page 22 on Kreimhild - yay me! I think she looks super lovely and after a short break (will work on Middle Earth until the 15th) I will pick her up again and and finish the third row (just one page and a tiny partial one). So here is her now:
And her stats:
Total stitches: 255 600
Total stitches done: 99 525
Stitches in 2016: 9548
Stitching days: 24
Average stitches per day: 398
Stitches left: 156 075
Days left to stitch: 392
It took me 13 days to finish this page because I am working on several projects at once. I am trying to work on the dog bookshelf piece and the Christmas stocking for my bf and also on the Haed challenge. I'm trying to get some order into this because I feel like I am not getting anything done this way. I now working on the stocking from the 1st to the 15th of each month, from the 16th to the end of the month I am working on dog bookshelf (which will hopefully be done soon) and during the weekend I am trying to squeeze in a few stitches on Trapped for the Haed challenge. So my progress will hopefully get back to normal soon. Or at least a bit. Since I am working 30 instead of 20 hours now I don't spent so much time stitching anymore (mostly around 2 hours) and so my progress suffers. But at least I get more money to spent on stitching stuff :D *already placed an order*
I also managed to get my Robin by Eva Rosenstand framed. I picked a nice green frame an my bfs mother loved it. Here it is:
I love this one so much, maybe I will stitch it again for myself ;-)
I guess my next post will be for the GG SAL (with work on my stocking and Middle Earth).
Happy stitching =)
Wonderful progress on Kreimhild and your framed robin is very sweet.