This months question is a task: to pick a project I stitched on this month and tell it's story.
I worked on two projects this month: Starlight and Kreimhilds Revenge. Since I already talked about Kriemhild two months back, I want to tell you something about Starlight.
Starlight is an artwork by David Hoffrichter, it will hopefully look like this one day:
It's 450x605 stitches, which makes a total of 272500 stitches. In large format, this results in 64 pages. I'm stitching this on 25ct ivory Lugana, 1 over 1, full crosses.
As for the story behind this:
I started this in September 2013 (so it's nearly 2 years old). I had a pretty hard time back then and I had lost my stitching mojo. I didn't stitch for a couple of months and when this design was released, I immediately fell in love with it. I bought it a week after it was released (or so) and noticed that I was only two colors short, so I made a new start and found my love for stitching again.
I guess this is one of the most challenging projects I have because it has such a lot of confetti. Especially that brown tree-bubble-thing in the upper left corner took ages to stitch, so progress on this went rather slow. But I am past that thing now (at least for the first row) and I am confident that I can speed up on this one now. I really enjoy the colors and it always amazes me how all those single stitches turn into something that beautiful. I only did 4 pages on this one, so there is still a long way to got. Here is what I got so far:
I am now stitching some of that swirl around that brown thing and I am very much looking forward to stitching the blue color in the upper right corner. I stitched 15120 stitches so far and I am nearly at the halfway point of the first row. I guess I will return to this in a while and stitch until I reach that halfway point.
After finishing page 4 on Starlight I returned to Kreimhilds Revenge. The sky is quite annoying and boring to stitch (especially since the colors are so similar to the fabric color). But there are only a few columns left until some more of Kriemhilds hair will appear, so I push myself to finish the sky columns.
Last time you saw her, she looked like this:
And now:
Page 19 is nearly done and I hope to be back with a page finish soon =) I will also take a full shot of her then =)