Anyway, a few people already signed up for this month, so visiting the link-up page here is a great idea ;-)
As every month, there is a question for us to answer: What newer designers and product creators (fabric or floss dyeing, etc) out there have you discovered and recommend?
Well, you know, I am very traditional, I mostly do Haeds and Dimensions kits and I don't really try a lot of new things. When I went to the crafts fair this month, I picked up two kits for a company I didn't know before. It's now exactly "new", they seem to be in business since 2014, but to me they were new. I haven't started them (yet), but I surged the edges and took a chance to look at the small kits.
The designer is called "Liebevolle Kreuzstitchentwürfe" and they had lot of stuff on display and everything looked so pretty. These are kits, including linen and threads (plenty of it), along with the pattern. All seems to be of good quality. A friend of mine also bought a smaller design and already stitched it and is super happy with the result. So, far, I have only seen a photo of it so far, but that already looked very pretty. Maybe I will start one of the kits for next WIPocalypse =)
You know, I already spent 110€ for two other kits when I went there, otherwise I would have bought more ;-) They also have an online shop (but I don't know if they ship international), where you can take a look at their pretty designs. The site is in German, but that should be fine if you just want to look ;-)
But this brings us to this months progress. I am super happy, this month has been a blast! Finally, I had more time to stitch (especially during the last week - I was ill and had to stay out of work. I have another week in bed ahead of me, so another week of sleeping, stitching and reading...)
The first thing I want to show is my progress by Jule Angel by Anne Stockes. I made a start on the second row of pages and stitched a whole page. This sounds like a huge amount of stitching, but since it was only background, it stitched up rather fast. I went from here:
To here - a total of 5005 stitches done!
The second project I worked on is QS Paddys Luck. I took Paddy out for IHSW and already showed an update, but since then I managed to finish page 2. I went from here:
To here - 2160 stitches added:
So, we have a few new colors in the rainbow and his head has grown a bit. I messed up my counting in the pink/rose colored ray, was not able to find my mistake and tried to fix it and I don't think it will be visible in the end (lucky me, the colors were rather similar). You can also see one of the new needle minders I got =)
The third project I want to show is - as every month - my Kreimhilds Revenge. I am doing my best to get the fourth row of pages done. I went from here:
To here - 2695 stitches added to her.
Now there are only 4 columns left to stitch on her and I want to get those done by next month. Maybe I will even stay with her and tray to stitch those 4 columns next week.
Last but not least, I have an update on my Hydrangeas by Mill Hill. I went from here:
To here:
I stitched one shade of green and started on a second one, which I will hopefully be done with by next month ;-)
Well, that's all I have for this month. I got 9860 stitches done (plus the ones on Hydrangeas), I wish every month would be a successful as March ;-)
Happy stitching =)